May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smiles of the people you love. ~ An Irish Prayer
Now that the Valentine Parties, Literature Comes to Life and President’s Day are behind us, we can look forward to all of our fun March events! The big news is our Art Walk on March 11th at 5pm. The children are excited to show you the art work they have been working on this whole school year! They are also excited to tour the whole school to see wheat their friends in the other classrooms have been working on. It will surely be a super fun event! Be sure to invite your friends and family! Our St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be at 10am on March 17th! You are welcome to join us! Please be sure that your child wears green to show their Leprechaun Spirit! We have Pre Elementary and our Upper and Lower Elementary Orien- tations the 22nd and the 23rd of this month. At this meeting, you will learn all about the next step in your child’s Montessori Education!The teachers will present our curriculum to you and will be on hand to answer any questions you may have! Finally, we will have our Spring Celebration on March 24th. We will have an egg hunt and luncheon! Please remember we are closed for spring break on March 25th and March 28th. Just a reminder that we have a very convenient payment method available to you! You can put a credit card on file with us and we can automatically charge the card on the Monday of each week. Just think…no more checks and no more point of sale purchases in the of- fice! See Mrs. Dodd for the forms! We can get it started right away.
Ms. Janaki and Mrs. Dodd